Sarthak’s Homepage

I am a final-year M.S. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). I obtained my Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras in India.

My research interest broadly lie within the domain of Computer Vision and Imaging. The broad sub-topics which align with my experience are Generative methods, Diffusion Models, 3D Vision, Stereo Depth estimation and Image Segmentation. I am keen to explore the fields of domain adaptation, multi-modal learning, vision-language methods and designing intelligent systems for ADAS.

Recently, I completed my Summer Internship at Samsung Research America (SRA) as a Computer Vision Intern, focusing on the topics of Effective Model Compression and Fast Image Enhancement using Mobile-Efficient Vision Transformers.

In the past, I also pursued research at Vision and AI Lab (VAL) wherein I focused on and published projects related to Generative AI and 3D scene synthesis. During my undergraduate, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Prof. Kaushik Mitra at the Computational Imaging Lab on problems based on Unsupervised Stereo Depth Estimation. I was also fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Prof. Mohit Gupta on a specialized field of Single Photon Cameras (SPC) and its Application in Depth Estimation.

Actively looking for New Grad roles starting Spring 2025 in the areas of Machine Learning, Research Sciences, Applied Sciences and Software Engineering